How to Resolve QuickBooks POS SQL Error Connection is Broken

A QuickBooks POS SQL Error typically indicates an issue with the database connectivity in QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS). This error can occur due to network problems, corrupted files, or incorrect configurations, disrupting the seamless operation of the POS system. Troubleshooting involves checking network connections, repairing the database, and ensuring proper system settings.

QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) is a robust system designed to streamline retail operations. It serves as a replacement for traditional cash registers and manual data entry. Here are some key features of QuickBooks POS:

  • Inventory Management: QuickBooks POS allows businesses to track inventory efficiently. It helps monitor stock levels, reorder items, and manage product information seamlessly.
  • Sales and Customer Data: With QuickBooks POS, you can acquire valuable customer information, including purchase history, preferences, and contact details. This enables personalized interactions and targeted marketing efforts.
  • Barcode Scanning: The system supports barcode scanning, making the checkout process faster and more accurate.
  • Refunds and Discounts: QuickBooks POS handles refunds, exchanges, and discounts, ensuring smooth customer transactions.
  • Multi-Store Capabilities: For businesses with multiple locations, QuickBooks POS offers multi-store functionality, allowing centralized management of inventory and sales data.

Importance for Businesses

Now, let’s explore why QuickBooks POS is essential for businesses:

  1. Efficient Operations: By automating tasks like inventory tracking, sales processing, and customer management, QuickBooks POS streamlines daily operations. This efficiency translates to time savings and reduced manual errors.
  2. Accurate Financial Records: Integration with QuickBooks Desktop ensures that sales data seamlessly flows into your accounting system. This accuracy is crucial for maintaining reliable financial records.
  3. Customer Insights: Understanding customer behavior is vital for business growth. QuickBooks POS provides insights into buying patterns, allowing you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies.
  4. Inventory Control: Effective inventory management prevents overstocking or stockouts. QuickBooks POS helps optimize stock levels, minimizing carrying costs and maximizing sales opportunities.
  5. Enhanced Customer Experience: With faster checkouts, personalized interactions, and loyalty programs, QuickBooks POS enhances the overall customer experience.

The Specific Error: “Connection is Broken”

Now, let’s address the error you mentioned. The “Connection is Broken” error typically occurs when QuickBooks POS encounters issues with its SQL database connection. This can happen due to various reasons, such as network disruptions, misconfigured settings, or database corruption.

To troubleshoot this error, consider the following steps:

  • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that your network connection is stable. Verify that the server hosting the QuickBooks POS database is accessible.
  • Review Database Settings: Double-check the database server settings within QuickBooks POS. Make sure they match the actual database configuration.
  • Restart Services: Restart the QuickBooks POS services and the SQL server. Sometimes, a simple restart resolves connection issues.
  • Database Repair: If the error persists, consider repairing the SQL database. Back up your data before attempting any repairs.

Common Causes of the Error: “Connection Issues in QuickBooks POS”

Let’s delve into the common causes of the error related to QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) and its connection issues. I’ll address each point concisely:

  1. Zero Communication Between POS and Desktop Services:
  • When QuickBooks POS and the associated desktop services fail to communicate, it disrupts data flow. This can happen due to:
    • Firewall or Security Software: Ensure that firewalls or security software aren’t blocking communication between the POS and desktop components.
    • Service Interruptions: Check if the necessary services (like QuickBooks Database Manager) are running.
    • Network Configuration: Verify network settings and ensure both POS and desktop are on the same network.
  1. IP Address Configuration Issues:
  • Incorrect IP address settings can lead to connection problems. Consider the following:
    • Static vs. Dynamic IP: If using static IP addresses, ensure they’re correctly configured.
    • DHCP Settings: If using dynamic IP (DHCP), check DHCP server settings.
  1. Incorrect or Invalid POS Folder Names:
  • The POS software relies on specific folder names. If these are incorrect or missing:
    • Verify Folder Names: Ensure that the POS installation directory and data folders have the correct names.
    • Reinstallation: If needed, reinstall QuickBooks POS to recreate the necessary folders.
  1. Presence of Viruses or Malware Affecting the Connection:
  • Malicious software can disrupt communication:
    • Scan for Malware: Run a thorough antivirus scan on the system hosting QuickBooks POS.
    • Secure Environment: Keep the system secure to prevent malware-related issues.

Remember, addressing these common causes promptly can help maintain a stable connection between QuickBooks POS and your desktop services. If you encounter any issues, consult QuickBooks Professional assistance.

Troubleshooting Steps for QuickBooks POS SQL Error Connection is Broken Issue 

Here are the troubleshooting steps for resolving issues related to QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. Remember to follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth process:

Step 1: Emptying the Entitlement Client Folder

  • Navigate to C:\Program Data\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8.
  • Delete all files in this folder.
  • Relaunch QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.
  • Re-register the application if prompted.

Step 2: Renaming WSActivity File

  • First, display hidden files and folders on your computer.
  • Go to C:\Program Data\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of Sale XX\Ini (replace XX with the appropriate version number).
  • Right-click on the file named WSActivity and rename it to OLDWSActivity.
  • Reopen QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.

Remember to back up any critical data before making changes. If you encounter any issues during these steps, consult the official QuickBooks documentation or seek professional assistance. 

Additional Tips and Best Practices for QuickBooks POS

QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) is a powerful tool for managing retail operations. To ensure smooth functionality and prevent issues, follow these best practices:

  1. Verify System Requirements

Before installing QuickBooks POS, ensure that your system meets the necessary requirements:

  • Operating System: QuickBooks POS requires Windows 11 or 10 (64-bit only).
  • Processor: A 2.0 GHz processor (2.8 GHz recommended).
  • RAM: Minimum 4GB (6-8GB recommended).
  • Free Space: At least 2GB of free disk space.
  1. Check for Damaged Company Files

If you encounter issues with your company file, use the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to diagnose and repair it. Follow these steps:

  • Download and Install QuickBooks Tool Hub:
    • Close QuickBooks.
    • Download the latest version of the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
    • Install it and open the tool hub.
  • Run Quick Fix My File:
    • From the tool hub, select “Company File Issues.”
    • Choose “Quick Fix My File” and follow the prompts.
  • Run QuickBooks File Doctor:
    • Select “Run QuickBooks File Doctor.”
    • Scan your company file for issues.
    • Even if the scan appears unsuccessful, try opening QuickBooks again.
  1. Ensure Client Workstation Connectivity

To troubleshoot client connectivity issues:

  • Configure Database Manager Service:
    • Open services and find the QB POS database manager service.
    • Set the startup type to “automatic delayed start.”
    • Allow the service to interact with the desktop.
    • Restart the service or the computer and test client connection.
  • Check Firewall Settings:
    • Configure your firewall to allow QuickBooks POS traffic.
    • Add exceptions for specific ports (e.g., 8019, XXXXX) based on your QuickBooks version.
  1. Adjust Windows Security Settings

Ensure that Windows security settings don’t interfere with QuickBooks POS. If needed, manually configure your firewall settings as described above.

Remember to keep your software updated and perform regular backups to safeguard your data. By following these best practices, you’ll optimize your QuickBooks POS experience and enhance your retail operations.


In the grand scheme of seamless user experiences, addressing this error promptly plays a pivotal role. By diligently following the troubleshooting steps outlined earlier, users can navigate their way to a resolution. However, if the issue persists or appears intricate, seeking professional assistance becomes imperative. Remember, timely action not only alleviates frustration but also prevents potential complications down the road. 

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